7 Things You’ll Learn at Summer Camp

If you’ve ever spent a summer at camp you’ll know the feeling of coming home and immediately wanting to go back! Between us we have now completed four summers at camp and after that amount of time spent in the USA we have learnt many things and so thought it’d be a good place to start with our first blog post. Here’s a few…

1.Everyone is in the same boat as you. (metaphorically speaking)

Before you even arrive at camp you will no doubt be filled with dread, excitement, fear of the unknown and many more emotions! Will they like me? Will I make any friends? I hope I like the food! Will there be lots of bugs? If you are anything like me your brain will be working overtime thinking of endless questions and ideas that will become forgotten the minute you meet all of  the other staff… soon to be your best friends! Just remember everyone else is in the same boat as you! everyone else is just as nervous and has probably thought all the same things as you- so relax. There’s nothing to worry about and before you know it all of your worries will be gone and you will have your camp family around to support you!

2.To jump in and get involved

You’ll discover talents you didn’t even know you had. With so many different activities happening and so many great teachers, why not join the kids and take some of the classes too. You might find yourself to be an amazing tap dancer or next Wimbledon champion.

3.Bugs aren’t that bad

Are you scared of spiders? I AM!! but as you’ve probably always heard “they’re just as scared of you as you are of them”- this advice has never been any comfort and so instead just make sure to find a friend who isn’t so scared and then they can get rid of them all for you! problem solved!

4.You’ll become an expert at making friendship bracelets

‘candy stripe’ ‘spiral’ ‘chevron’- these are the terms that’ll haunt your summer. One evening early on in camp is bound to be dedicated to making, you guessed it, friendship bracelets. And shortly after you’ve made your first, every camper will be asking for one (tip: it’s okay to say no). You’ll say ‘yes’ anyway and will soon realise you’ve set yourself an unachievable goal of making one for every child you teach. unfortunately, this will not be possible and  you’ll just have to pick your favourtie kids to give one to (just kidding!). I’m sure you’ll become an expert by the end of camp! 

friendship bracelets

5.There’s nothing wrong with taking an afternoon nap

With all the hype of camp, comes a lot of exhaustion. At first you may fear that you’ll miss out on something by taking an afternoon nap- you wont! There’s always plenty of time where you can catch up with friends and family and sometimes sleep is the one thing you’ll be missing out on. Don’t feel bad if you need an early night or a nap in the day (mine was usually just after breakfast!). learn to cherish your sleep and you’ll soon learn that one of the most valuable ways to spend some of your free time is catching some z’s.

6.DIY fancy dress costumes

Remember those short notice fancy dress nights at university where you’d surprise yourself with your ability to make a costume out of almost anything? Well those skills will come in handy, if not excel at camp. From square dancing, to halloween (what, in August?- yes, it happens), there’ll certainly be events and activities where you’ll need to whip up some inventive costume.

7.Time flies when you’re having fun

It’s crazy to think that the people you meet on the first day of camp will become such a big part of your life. You start off feeling alone, not knowing anyone and then very quickly you make the best memories with the best people. Living so close to people is hard at times with very little personal space. But despite sometimes driving each other crazy, you won’t believe how many tears are shed on the last day when you say goodbye to the place and the people you’ve spent every day with (and with any luck that’s just until next year!).


If you’re looking to experience a fantastic fun filled Summer working at a camp in America- just like us! We suggest you take a look at AmeriCamp and see what they have to offer!

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